Lorry Chwazik | Artisan and Certified Judge

Workshops and Lectures
It is a joy to share the beauty of quiltmaking with others. Classes and lectures are available and tailorable for the needs of your group or guild. Here's hoping we will be meeting soon!

Abracadabra Quilts
With a little magic supplied at the sewing machine, students will transform giant nine-patches into a finished edge, three-layered quilted patch that can be joined to others to complete any size quilt. No basting, no backing, no binding! This machine-pieced and machine-quilted project is fast, easy, and fun to make.
Length: This is a full-day, (6-hour) workshop
Skill Level: All levels, though basic sewing skills are helpful.
Class Size: Maximum 20 students
Portrait Quilts
Students will learn the steps involved in making a portrait quilt from a photograph: choosing a good photograph, drawing a cartoon for templates, understanding the importance of value over color, building the fabric layers using fusible applique, and stitching and quilting layers. That is A LOT to accomplish! To achieve these goals in one day, we will all be working with one of two patterns: Dare You or Stretch. A finished project is not possible during our time together, but you will learn enough to finish the portrait at home.
Length: This is a full-day (6 hour) workshop.
Skill Level: All levels, though basic sewing skills are helpful. No drawing skills necessary.
Class Size: Maximum 20 students
Down-Under Applique
Ready for an easy, quick, and accurate machine applique technique that doesn't include templates, fuss, or frustration? Paper-piecing meets applique in this tutorial workshop that features the "Koi" block.
Length: This is a full-day, (6-hour) workshop.
Skill Level: All levels, though basic machine sewing skills are helpful.
Class Size: Maximum 20 students
By the Work of Our Hands: Hand Piecing, Hand Applique, and Hand Quilting
Look, Ma, no sewing machine! Learn quilting basics using the techniques our quilting foremothers used. Hand work has been found to ease stress and anxiety, and is easily transportable whether you are traveling, watching tv, or cooling your heels at the doctor's office. This is a technique-driven course; students will learn the easy techniques they can apply to their own projects in the future.
Length: This is a full-day, (6-hour) workshop.
Skill Level: All levels.
Class Size: Maximum 20 students

Quilt Show Standards: What the Judges Look For When Evaluating Quilts
Ever wonder how judges evaluate quilts in a show? It's not at all about what they "like," it's all about the standards that go into good quiltmaking. Using quilts from her own collection, Lorry will review the three basic categories of quilt standards (General Appearance, Design, and Workmanship) and some of the many components of those categories.
Length: One Hour
Trunk Show
Enjoy up close and personal quilts made by Lorry over 30 years of playing with needle, thread, and fabric. Her collection includes hand- and machine- pieced, appliqued, and quilted pieces, and perhaps a few odd techniques with which you may not be familiar. After hearing Lorry share the joys, challenges, and tragedies (looking at you, rabbit!) of quiltmaking, you will be inspired to continue on your own quilting path.
Length: One Hour (Customizable)

Quilt Show Standards: What the Judges Look For When Evaluating Quilts (Virtual Presentation)
Virtual Lecture
Ever wonder how judges evaluate quilts in a show? It's not at all about what they "like," it's all about the standards that go into good quiltmaking. Via a Zoom call or other virtual format available to your group, Lorry will review the three basic categories of quilt standards (General Appearance, Design, and Workmanship) and some of the many components of those categories.
Length: 20-30 minutes
Maximalism In Quilting
Virtual Lecture
Explore the concept of Maximalism in quilting design. Everything old is new again, but with a contemporary twist - embrace the chaos! Lorry will present to your group via your Zoom call or other virtual format you provide.
Length: 20-30 minutes

Quilting In Kuwait
Virtual Lecture
Truly, quilting can provide common ground no matter how far one travels in our world. Lorry will share her experiences judging and teaching in the Middle East country of Kuwait. Lorry will present to your group via your Zoom call or other virtual format you provide.
Length: 60 minutes